
S t a r b u c k s   C o f f e e

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About Starbucks Coffee


Our Mission




"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." Let your story be told. Our Mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit- one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.


F u n c t i o n s


Functions of starbucks in the coffee retail industry include planning and strategy, decision making, organising and control, leadership, communications, teamwork, HR and employee motivation, global management, organisational change and ethics.




O r g a n i s a t i o n




Starbuck's organisational structure is a matrix structure and is one of the best successful organisational structure examples. A matrix structure is the combination of more than one organisational structures. The authority in matrix structure flows from more than one way.


P r o d u c t s


Starbucks offers a range of exceptional products that customers enjoy in our stores, at home, and on the go. Coffee: More than 30 blends and single-premium coffees. Handcrafted beverages: Fresh-brewed coffee, hot and iced espresso beverages. Iced coffee, Cold Brew, Nitro, Frappuccino coffee and non-coffee blended beverages. Starbucks refreshers brewing equipment, mugs and accessories, packaged goods, books and gifts. Fresh Food: Baked pastries, cold and hot sandwiches, salads, salad and grain bowls, oatmeal, yoghurt parfaits and fruit cups.




S e r v i c e s




There are several brands owned by Starbucks: Starbucks and Seattle's best coffee which produce coffee and other beverages. Tevana that produces a variety of teas, La Boulange that produces French baked items, Evolution Fresh which produces juices and Tazo tea which produces teas, herbs, and spices. With the help of this structure, each division can focus on different products to make them better.


C u s t o m e r s


We believe in treating our customers with respect and dignity. We are proud to offer several landmark programs for our customers including comprehensive hea;th coverage for eligible full and part-time customers, access to full college tuition coverage through the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, and equity in the company through Bean Stock.




S u p p l i e r s




We are honoured to partner with suppliers who share our commitment to enhancing the Starbucks Experience for the customers and communities we serve.


C o m p e t i t o r s


McDonald's is one of Starbucks's top rivals. McDonald's was founded in 1940, and its headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois. McDonald's competes in the Restaurants industry. McDonald's has 86 000 fewer employees than Starbucks.




C o n s t r a i n t s




The corral of shelves offering product for purchase and constraining the line of people serves as a physical constraint


Future direction


Not much bargaining power for coffee bean suppliers due to the importance of the business offered by Starbucks to any individual supplier and the fact that Starbucks probably accounts for a large percentage of individual supplier's sales.



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